Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Types of Garage Door Locks

You may be thinking to yourself that you don’t really need a garage door lock since there is already a locking mechanism on your garage door. However, when our locksmiths at Quickly Locksmith LLC in Atlanta, GA are suggesting that you consider having a garage door lock installed, they are usually talking about the interior door that leads into your home from your garage. Even if you have a detached garage, you can benefit from a lock on your garage door. A garage door lock provides you with another layer of protection for your garage door. It never hurts to take the necessary precautions to ensure that you keep your home, valuables and loved ones safe.

Many people who have a garage that is attached to their home will not bother to lock the door that leads to their home. This is because they don’t think about anyone being able to get into their garage to gain access into their home. However, what many homeowners do not realize is that many homes are broken into via the garage. Never assume that you it can’t happen to you because this is why so many have found themselves in the predicament that they have. Never leave your home unsecured because you are the prime victim of a burglar.

Your garage is likely used for something other than storing your vehicles. Some people use their garage as an additional room. Some are used as office space, additional storage space, home gyms and for other useful purposes. Regardless of what you use your garage for, it would give you a great sense of comfort in knowing that your garage is safe and secure at all times. If you use your garage as storage this is a good enough reason for a thief to want to gain access into it. Burglars know that many people store their landscaping equipment, sports equipment and even some of their home appliances in their garage. These things are of value to you and so you can be sure that they are also of value to burglar. Don’t let  someone break in and take what you have worked so hard to acquire. Instead, consider having a locks installed to prevent entry into your garage.

You don’t have to be caught off guard by walking into your garage and realizing that someone has broken in and taken your valuables. Our locksmiths are only a phone call away. They can provide you with a lock that is sure to prevent entry into your garage. There are electric locks, access controlled locks and deadbolt locks that we often install to help prevent unauthorized entry through your garage. There are plenty of locks that our locksmiths can install on your interior doors and some that can be installed on your garage door itself. Here are some of the types of garage door locks that our locksmiths install most often.

Read more on: Types of Garage Door Locks

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Ignition Cylinder Problems

You may or may not be familiar with a small device that is a part of your vehicle known as an ignition cylinder. These cylinders or switches, as they may sometimes be called, are small, cylindrically shaped pieces of hardware that play a role in helping your vehicle turn on, as well as holding your car key in place. An ignition cylinder is comprised of a small slit in the center of the top of the cylinder, with the slit visible near the right side of your car’s steering wheel. This is where you enter your key and twist in order to start your car. The rest of the cylinder is usually hidden within the steering wheel and for good reason. Ignition cylinders were made specifically to be difficult to reach or tamper with. This helps against theft and makes it more difficult for a car to be hotwired and stolen.

Common Issues
Ignition cylinders are used every time you turn on or turn off your vehicle. The repetitive motion of inserting and extracting your car key from the ignition cylinders center slit can cause normal wear and tear overtime. If your ignition cylinder is faulty, there are several indicators that will clue you in and may signal that your cylinder needs to be replaced or repaired.

Issue #1 – Your Car Will Not Start
Since ignition cylinders help hold your key in place and signal to the car that the proper key is inserted, it is important that the cylinder remain stable. If for some reason your vehicle’s ignition cylinder is out of place, it can make it so that even with the proper key, your car cannot hold the key in place and start the car. Ignition cylinders are quite resilient, but because they are typically used every day, if not multiple times a day, they can succumb to wear and tear. Your vehicle may not be starting because the cylinder has been knocked loose or is no longer in the proper position to be able to hold the key in place.

Issue #2 – Your Car Electrical Panels Do Not Respond
This second indicator can also mean that your ignition cylinder is worn or not responding as it should. Similar to the scenario in which your car will not start at all, you may not get a response from the car’s electrical panel when you twist your key once in the cylinder. This can indicate your cylinder is not in the right position and may need to be replaced. Typically, with just a turn of a key in a car’s ignition cylinder, you should notice the inner electrical panels and lights turn on in the car. Sometimes, this may signal an issue with your car battery, but it may also mean your ignition cylinder is to blame.

Issue #3 – You are Unable to Insert of Fit Your Key into the Cylinder
Another possibility that can signal a problem with your cylinder is not being able to insert the key into the slot. This can happen for a few different reasons. It is possible that something may have gotten stuck inside of your ignition cylinder and it blocking the slot, making it so your key cannot fit. It is also possible that something within the cylinder has become damaged or bent and is causing a blockage.

Read more on: Ignition Cylinder Problems